Monday, September 27, 2010

Moving along

So I rounded up all the materials to fabricate a very bare bones wire drawing bench, it may not be the prettiest thing but it works.  I also finally got all of the hoses, clamps and adapters I needed to hook up and test out the wax injector so there will be some pictures of that latter on as well.  

So here we have the basic parts laid out, the final layout won’t look anything close to this but this is where I started. 
Ok so this is closer to what the end product will be. 
Here is an overall shot of the classy setup in my garage. You can see a few chopped up pieces lying on the ground to the front right. Got a ways to go at this point.  
Ok so here are all the pieces chopped up and ready for welding. (Although that is a lie, I end up having to cut a few more things later to add on some unplanned parts.  
The welder. 
Skipped a few steps in getting here (sorry got excited and forgot to take the pictures) but here is the basic idea so far. 
Here I got the lever added on and the end supports to hold the draw plate/s. 
Here is one of the areas that required additional chopping. I knew I was going to need some type of support down on the bottom so I thought this one up on the fly and it worked out really well. Those little angled feet work really well for stepping on and getting support/leverage when needed and they could also be drilled through so that the machine could be bolted down to the ground, however I haven't felt the need to go that extra mile yet, maybe someday.    
All welded up and painted blue.  
Here she is resting in the studio. She works pretty well don’t really have any complaints except that I wish she wasn't so noisy and it would be nice to have a big wheel on her instead of a lever. One thing I really do love is the length; she is two meters long so I can make some serious lengths of wire.   
I was worried she might be too long but the oversized lever allows me to work the machine easily even when at the far end. There are only a few angles where one can fall out of position with the lever, hence why it might work better with a wheel not a lever.  
All in all once I practiced with her for a while and got into a rhythm, she works like a dream.  
As promised here is the wax injector all fired up and ready to go, fortunately besides figuring out where to get all the hoses and connections there were no problems on this front.    
Here is a shot of the general layout.  
Here are the first few waxes pulled at the studio. I had the choice of this beautiful picture with a really nice flash hot spot or another one that was completely blurred and out of focus so I went with the hot spot. 

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